2024 Calendar Coloring Contest
Grand Valley Horse Rescue is hosting a coloring contest to fill our 2024 GVHR Calendar and we'd love for your whole family to participate!
Each week, for fourteen weeks, we will be releasing a coloring page highlighting one of our sanctuary horses at Grand Valley Horse Rescue. To enter the contest, you must submit a completed coloring sheet, $5 entry fee, and a release form (found below). The contest will be divided into age categories: 6 and under, 7 – 9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18, Adult and Seniors 65+. The winner of each age category will win a vintage horse show ribbon. An overall winner will have their coloring page featured in GVHR’s 2024 Calendar. GVHR will also select a winner who submits from the farthest distance from our rescue.
To submit your coloring page, you can download and print your image from this website or sign up to be a member of Grand Valley Horse Rescue by subscribing to our email list and we will email you each image as they become available. Once you have your image you will need to fill out the following release form and pay the $5 entry fee through Venmo, PayPal, cash, or check. The final step is to submit your coloring page and release form to Grand Valley Horse Rescue by emailing it to ColorGVHR@gmail.com or mail it directly to Grand Valley Horse Rescue at 2234 S. Regent Circle, Grand Junction, CO 81507! Please be sure to not fold your submitted piece.
Good luck! We can't wait to see your beautiful artwork!
Email submissions: ColorGVHR@gmail.com